职 称: 讲师
所在系(教研室): 微观经济学系
职 务: 副主任
电子邮箱: chengye.jia@sdufe.edu.cn
个人主页: https://chengye-jia.github.io/
2010.9-2014.6 山东理工大学,经济学,学士
2016.8-2018.8 天普大学, 经济学,硕士
2016.8-2021.8 天普大学, 经济学,博士
2021.9-至今 太阳集团电子游戏 教师
研究领域: 微观计量经济学,劳动经济学
研究方向: 分数位处理效应,分数位回归与分布回归(参数和半参数回归),非参数方法,过渡矩阵,代际收入
1. Inference on Counterfactual Transition Matrices, with Brantly Callaway
2. Semiparametric Estimation of Rank-Rank slope
3. Transition Functions with an Application on Intergenerational Mobility, with Brantly Callaway and Weige Huang
4. Direct and Indirect Effects in Transition Matrices, with Brantly Callaway, Emmanuel Selorm Tsyawo, Weige Huang
5. What Causes Differences in PM2.5 Concentration in China? Structures Are More Important, with Weige Huang, Forthcoming at The Economics and Finance Letters
6. What Factors Are More Likely To Influence PM2.5: Based On Bayesian Model, with Xufeng Cui, Weige Huang and Wei, Deng) , submitted
1. ”Estimation of Transition Matrices”with Brantly Callaway, sponsored by Liberal Arts School, Temple University 2020.06
2. “Analyzing Income Mobility” with Brantly Callaway, sponsored by Department of Economics, Temple University 2018.09-2019.05